Probably one of the hottest girls ever in gaming that never really got the recognition she deserved. You all know Mai Shiranui, right? Of course, Ivy, Mai, Taki, Samus, Sophitia, Bayonetta, Cammy, Chun-Li, pretty much any Street Fighter character really, are just some of the mostly mentioned as "Sexy female video characters", but what about those from franchises that never got all that popular?
Such is the story of Angel from King of Fighters.
Angel is a character introduced in The King of Fighters series. Developers state her design was conceived based purely on her designer's personal "preferences". In a 2005 poll made by SNK-Playmore USA, she was voted as the third fan favorite character with a total of 2498 votes. Angel and Shermie have both the largest bust measurement of all the KOF females (92 cm). Apparently she even has LARGER BREASTS
than Mai Shiranui that comes from the same SNK universe!

Do you think the cosplay artist "Non" (or "nonsummerjack", as her online handle goes) did well with this extremely daring and provocative cosplay?
Here's some awesome cosplay from "Neon Genesis Evangelion", She is some realy hot looking cosplayer, in the pictures she is dressed as Soryu, Asuka Langley. Do you think she did a good job? Yes, no, do you know someone who could do a better one? Tell us in the comments down below! I hope you enjoy.
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