Monster Hunter is one of the biggest and most famous Capcom franchises of the 6th Gen, in Europe this game is mostly remembered for the PSP title "Monster Hunter Freedom Unite", but it released again in Japan as Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G with some added DLC and functionality as well as better graphics back in December 2009. It has also released this year on iOS.
But hey, you don't really care about that, do you? What you want to see here and what we've prepared for you here at MMOSite is an exclusive peek at the newest cosplay by "nonsummerjack" whose Cosplays you might have seen here at MMOsite earlier, this hot cosplayer whose done well over 200 cosplays (yes, that's not a typo, two hundred cosplays) is well known for ther sexy, curvy, almost ecchi like body and tan, as well as not being afraid to show some skin where it counts. Do you think she did a good job, we'll be releasing an exclusive 3 part set of her Kirin cosplay right here on MMOsite, and you can see the links for the other parts below as they get released
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