As you might suspect from the name, Galactic Civilizations is a game that, while inspired by Sid Meier's seminal masterpiece, Civilization,
opts for the cosmos as its stage. Matching the stellar scope is the
potential to have up to 128 additional players. That alone should give
any fan of the strategy game genre pause. For most games of its type,
such massive games would bog themselves down in micromanagement,
construction, and empire maintenance. But Galactic Civilization III's
greatest strength is its ability to manage its momentum. Play starts
quickly, with everyone having enough resources at the outset to begin
crafting a basic strategy. There's no waiting around for your first few
workers here; instead, you can buy up some colony ships, kick-start your
military, or roll out some research labs to start cranking out PhDs.
that initial burn, it's a couple dozen more turns before you have quite
so many decisions to make. You can use that down time to secure what
you have and develop your territory, design some custom ships, or
fine-tune your government to suit your most pressing goals. After a bit,
you have another burst brought on by a new technology allowing your
ships greater range from their home planet or a new pile of credits to
be spent on supercharging development.
Civilizations follows this pattern of punctuated equilibrium until the
end of the game--regardless of which specific strategy or victory
condition you're seeking. It helps guide and reinforce the infamous "one
more turn"-style play that 4X games are known for, as well, as you
never know when that next burst will hit. You could find some special
resource that, if tapped, could unlock a new prototype hyperdrive. That,
in turn, can get your colonists to the next star system over, where a
new planet and new resources lie waiting. As soon as you've mastered
what you own and what you know, you'll face a fresh batch of challenges.
burst-secure-develop-burst loop also solves one of the genre’s
longest-running problems--militaristic powers. As with any proper 4X
game, Galactic Civilizations has a variety of win conditions. You can be
elected the leader of the galaxy, you can ascend to a new plane of
existence, or you can steam-roll your opponents with the biggest,
baddest ships around. The caveat here is that it's rare that you'll
encounter someone whose war machines completely outclass your own.
Expansion requires a great deal of investment in engineering and supply
chains. Supporting dreadnoughts far from any habitable planets requires
chains of star bases or advanced life support systems--both of which can
take resources away from a massive military campaign. Military
victories are still possible, but blocking off large chunks of the map
to the people with the most advanced technology or those that can
daisy-chain supply lines keeps anyone's fun from ending prematurely or
without proper warning.
In creating this cycle,
Galactic Civilizations encourages careful, directed thinking. You
always want to be in control of your next boon, ready to capitalize on
the next step out, no matter where that leads. Thought and investment
are rewarded. When you colonize a new planet, the order and placement of
the buildings and projects you undertake will determine their
effectiveness. Placing factories adjacent to a refinery will boost both
their output. Tourism centers next to ports will yield dividends. It's
not about doing everything you can but about efficient use of the space
you have. The production of new ships and star bases is also decoupled
from planetary improvements. Instead, you can assign several planets to
support a shipyard. Any manufacturing output dedicated to military
development will go to building new weapons. Colony ships and troop
transports for invasions will pull population from contributing planets
as well. This too emphasizes the cyclic pace. Hooking a few planets up
to a dry dock won't net you much until they've been built up with
appropriate factories, academies, and the like. But in a few short
turns, you'll have a mega factory that can turn out battlecruisers with
ease, and then you're ready for your next expansion.
it sounds like I'm placing a lot of emphasis on that loop, it's because
Galactic Civilizations forces you to view it through that narrow lens.
This is strange, indeed, in no small part because it is a game about the
bigness of galactic warfare, about the farthest reaches of the stars,
and yet it comes down to a long series of manageable steps. When you're
first starting a round, space, as it does here in the world, is
incomprehensibly vast. Instead of letting your first few explorers
wander to the ends of the map, you're given a small starting area. This,
the game says, is as far as you can go. When you've conquered or at
least explored that sector, you're trusted with more. These steps helped
me develop relationships, memories even, with each new area. I
remembered which regions I saw after I developed my first prototype warp
drives or when I built a deep space station so I could see what was on
the other side of a black hole. It's odd, but it's sentimental.
the end of my first game, I remember the map all the way out,
astonished by how far my people had come. It was a special feeling, one
I've since come to cherish, because I've realized that it's one that no
other game has given me. Not even Civilization brought me this close to
the progress of my empire without letting me get lost in the grandeur of
it all.

have to attribute that, at least in part, to the fact that Galactic
Civilizations not only lets you craft your own alien species and their
technology but incentivizes you to do so. No matter what race you pick
or which one you create, you'll have a few basic ships to choose from.
Each is there to fill a specific role, but you won't get anything
particularly special there. However, if you want to take the schematics
for the latest and greatest antimatter missile launcher and use them for
an otherwise vulnerable cargo ship, you can do that. You can also make a
mega-carrier holding dozens of assault drones that can sweep through
any defense around. These creations will usually cost a little more than
the usual fare, but the degree of control you have over them is worth
the time and the money, especially when paired with a well-crafted
strategy playing to the strengths of a custom-made race. It ties micro-
and macromanagement together in a way that pushes you to win with your
own creations and your own ideas.
That's also where Galactic Civilizations begins to break down. Much as Elder Scrolls
games are expected to have a lot of bugs because they are so open,
Galactic Civilizations has a lot of rough edges. I played a final build
of the game, and there were still some missing textures, odd graphical
glitches, poorly edited music, and one missing technology description.
They were all cosmetic, but they were common enough to be distracting.

bigger problems come from how unrefined some of the ancillary features
are. One of the biggest additions is the ideology system. As you make
choices about how the shape of your civilization progresses, you'll
build up points in Benevolence, Pragmatism, or Malevolence. This is
intended to be a morality system, but in practice, its effects are loose
and intangible. Picking a new step on one of the three trees will
usually grant you a one-time bonus, but they aren't substantial, and
they don't represent play style. In my second game, I was ruthless and
declared war on everyone, but I was able to maintain a façade of
altruism by picking certain dialogue options. As a method of embodying
the kind of civilization you want to be, the Ideology system doesn't
Taken as a whole, Galactic
Civilization's failings are minor. For most games, a few major pieces
that don’t quite fit together would be a death knell. Galactic
Civilizations keeps its focus right where it needs to--on excellent
fundamentals. Progressive pacing makes the enormity of space amenable
and paradoxically personal, while the sheer number and variety of tools
and options at your disposal allow you to succeed and win if you can
out-think everyone else.
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